Sunday, November 12, 2017

Bemusings on Betrayal (part 2)

Then, it happens. The epiphany sent by pure luck and chance to make things right. The reflective back of your shield catches the reflection in the dagger and sends it straight to you like a pony express messenger. The reflection reveals your back and ,most importantly, the numerous times you've been stabbed there. You see wound after wound, some still dripping blood while others are dried shut. You then remember this has happened before. The exact same event, with the exact same 'friend', and creating the exact same reactions from both of you. You then see why you had forgotten, you had become so used to the pain and suffering that you couldn't feel it anymore.

Now, you're livid. Not just because of the memories and the inaction you took, but because the dagger was never sheathed. As your 'friend' raises the dagger again, you quickly raise your sword and slice her hand off. She screams the most blood-curdling scream you've ever heard. You almost feel bad for doing the deed, until she starts spreading lies. "He cut me! He's a traitor to all of us!" She tells your other friends who you've trusted and kept watch over. Luckily, they know better, for they've seen your back much more than you have and just never had the heart to tell you. They thought you too innocent, too pure, too good-humored to see what was being done to you.

Well, who's laughing now?

You call out to her, with the utmost rage and insanity being held back only by your morals and petty forgiveness. You denounce her for everything she's ever done to you, all the pain she caused you, all the pieces of you she cut out, all the lies and misinformation she's spread. Then, you tell her how you've forgiven her, counting the scars on your back, a total of almost 51 times and this is how she repays you. She then tells the whole truth "I was never your friend, OK? I just felt like you needed my help and I had to keep it that way!"

You raise your sword again.

"What do you think you're doing?! You still need me, especially now!"

No, you don't..... 

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