Sunday, November 5, 2017

Bemusings on Betrayal (part 1)

There are many great pains in the world. Headaches, migraines, romantic rejection, acid reflux, anxiety, blunt-force trauma, and PTSD to name a few. However, none of these even compare to the one great pain of being stabbed in the back by someone you trusted. The strike itself comes with a bit of a surprise. No one could've expected it, especially since she was your friend. You had spent the majority of middle school talking to each other, getting to know each other, and understanding each other's interest. You realize, now, it was just manipulation. As soon as the blade is removed, there is an even sharper pain that worms and twists it's way through your body like some sort of unwanted parasite. It works it's way through your spine, past the lungs, and right to your heart. The biggest organ in your body now has a hole in it not by your actions, but another's misguided pride. You fall forward, the eternal protection you had for your friends is put on the back-foot and falters for a few minutes, the shield doing nothing but reflecting yourself with the appearance of a shattered mirror (a fitting form for the occasion). Until this point you've done nothing but sacrifice to please her, sacrifice to keep the balance, sacrifice to benefit from one another's company. Now, you realize what you've wasted on her to have her by your side only for her to find your weakest point and capitalize on it. with this in mind, you twist. Not just physically, but mentally. "How could she do this?" "I thought we were friends?" "I've done nothing but be generous and kind and helpful and this is how she repays me?!" You go from the back-foot to forward. Your shield is now upright, however, in the opposite direction. She cowers at the scene. "It was only a joke." "You'd destroy what you've built this quickly?" "It was only a little fun." After glancing into your stern eyes for a long time, realizing her petty excuses are getting her nowhere, she says the two words: "I'm sorry." Your eyes go back to how they were, your mood has shifted back to what it was, and you go to turn back to the overall threats to your friends. She thinks she's won.     

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