Monday, November 20, 2017


As the dust clears, you see what is left of your 'companion'. She's lost the mouth to talk you down with, the eyes to glare at you with, the thoughts to haunt you with, and the hand to stab you in the back. Her body is left in such a way that resembles what she truly is: a snake. It then gets up and slithers away, no doubt to find another all-too trusting friend to slowly murder. You look as the sword, made up of all your combined hatred, malice, and rage for the betrayer, finally break to pieces and disappear within the ground. Your wounds then start to finally heal, and you feel relief from their constant and agonizing pain. You finally feel free of the endless burden of everything that was hidden from you, yet affecting you from the beginning. When all the dust completely settles, you realize who's looking at you. It's your true friends, the ones who have not hurt you. The ones who would stand by your side in times of strife. The ones who care about you not for the benefits they get from you, but because they know how they can help you as you have tried to help them. They know you for your character, not your benefits.

However, the stress of this whole situation has tested the entire fabric of the bonds between both you and your friends. Your trust has been tested, and they can tell, for every fight has casualties. Some rush to your aid and help you on your feet again right away while others seem to linger and dawdle around the subject of what just happened. You can feel the dawdlers judging you, trying to determine if you were justified or completely unwarranted. Many know you were correct,that she was a cancerous cell to you and others, but some still waver at the idea of you actually showing your violent emotions like that toward someone you considered for a long time to be a friend. You notice a new crack in your shield where there wasn't one before, as well as several new dents. For your shield is your personal mental, physical, and emotional stability, and everyone falters when left alone.  

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