Monday, April 10, 2017

Contemplating College

There was a recent article posted to a news website that would catch most of any high school student’s eye. The article was about whether or not college is worth going to anymore in this day in age. This question has been proposed throughout the school community for decades. With all the talk of parents and relative having massive student debt and just barely being able to scrape by despite having a college degree under their belt, it doesn’t seem at first like college is a very economical option. However, the article that I found begs to differ from this point of view. In fact, it even goes on to state how the US needs more college graduates now in order to fix the economic standpoint of most high schoolers. The reason most people see college as uneconomical is because a degree doesn’t always mean a person will succeed in life, but it does go lengths to closing the wage gap there is between college graduates with a degree and high school graduates without a degree. The reason this happens is because there are not enough college graduates to fill all of the roles open in the economy of America and thus a gap in pay is present. Another point the article made was that if someone were to get a degree in college, of any level, that the cost of that degree in the long run would balance out to be negative 500,00 dollars (meaning that a person would  get more money out of a college degree than what they paid for in the beginning). Personally, I’ve always wanted to go to college no matter the cost, but this article has even further reaffirmed my views on going to college in these times of great uncertainty amongst myself and my peers.  

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