Monday, February 13, 2017

Oceanic Undersight

According to a recent article, the oceans of the world are slowly becoming unable to support the organisms that live within them and could have potentially drastic future effects on us humans. This is due to several factors, most of which are man made. The first factor is global warming that causes the oceans to reach unsafe temperatures for the organisms living inside them near the surface, leading to their eventual heat-related deaths. Another factor is the amount of trash that is dumped into the oceans, particularly plastic, that is able to get into the gills of most fish and around the necks of other marine life strangling them to death. Another main factor leading to the deaths of the oceans is overfishing in general. Whether for food or for sport, fishing is a major way of spending time all across the globe. Because of this there is a high chance certain populations of marine life could be fished to extinction, eliminating their presence from this Earth completely. A final factor affect our oceans is toxic chemicals from factories being dumped into them. Not only does this lead to overall marine life death, but it also poisons drinking supplies and washing water for communities. In other words, by poisoning and slowly killing our oceans with these factors that have easy alternatives, we are poisoning our future survival as a species. The worst part about this is that there are easy alternatives to every single one of these factors that would save the oceans, if we used them enough. To solve global warming have less factories producing greenhouse gases, to solve the trash recycle what is recyclable and put the rest inside the earth or burn it, to solve the overfishing put more regulations in place for fishermen (like with deer hunting), and to solve to poisons from factories going to oceans scrub out all of the toxic chemicals and dispose of them in a more proper manner.    

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