You see them everywhere. In your home, at school, even , ironically, at parties. You try and get away, but you can’t. They’re too popular, too “with the times”, to be gone away with. In fact, they’re so much like this that people are beginning to form addictions to their soft glow, their touchable screens, and their buzzing buttons. I am, of course, talking about smartphones.
Personally, I have never come into contact with a full addiction to my smartphone (or, as I like to refer to it, my “handheld toaster” ). Sure, I spend some time on social media, texting, and the little mobile game once in awhile, but I never really stay on it for more than , on average, maybe an uncontinuous 2 hours a day. This may sound like a long time, but compared to how long the average teenager is on his/her phone it’s a pretty short period of time. Now, this could be because of the multiple things that I do with my time and my personal preferences. Compared to every other smartphone on the market, mine is basically the worst you could get. Small screen, constantly freezing, and very small amount of memory space to use for apps and such. However, even if one of my friends handed me the best new phone tomorrow morning, I would probably still spend little to no more time on it than I do already on my LG Toaster. This is not to say I wouldn’t like one, it’s just to say that I wouldn’t need to spend several hours on it as an addiction, mainly because I have other things to do with my time (namely schoolwork, scout projects, marching band, NHS, etc.) and also because I prefer to socialise with my friends ,rather than text them all the time, if I can. I can understand why some would have an addiction to their phones, but I am not one of those people.
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