“If we were all made of diamonds, then no one would be able to move”
That’s what they say
“Keep your actions and soul pure, then the right one will come”
Tried that
“Why didn’t you just stay with her, then? She said she loved you”
But did she really mean it?
Does anyone really mean it?
‘I love you’ has been tossed in my face so many times
And kisses have been shoved onto me so much
I scarcely feel them anymore
For it’s only been used to betray, destroy, and harm me
In such a way that it can never be forgiven
By both family and ‘friends’
Not the good ones, mind you
The ones who know how I feel and how to make me feel better
But the ones who would rather kick me than lift a finger to help
The ones who would rather ground me than let me fly
The ones who would rather stab me than bandage me
The ones who would rather hurt me more
Than heal my broken and dismembered body, spirit, or mind
The ones who would rather push me in a hole
than dig me out of one
What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment?
When all I attempt to do is help others
To make them feel better
When all I do is work hard at my jobs
So I can get good at them
When all I do is spread happiness
Because I know what it's like to feel down...
Really down....
Almost to the point of no return....
So why, then,
Do they continue to chip away at me
As if I am trying to hurt them?
Why, then,
Do they continue to manipulate others around me
To try and plunge me back into that dark abyss?
Why, then,
Do they try to put themselves above me as if I need their help
When they know I can and have taken care of myself?
Is it really because they love me
As they always say?
Or is it more because they envy me
And try to sabotage everything I've done and will do
Just so they can laud themselves
And cast me aside like always
So it goes....